Kareena Kapoor has refused to give dates for beau Saif's Agent Vinod, which will apparently put the shooting of the film on hold. The actress will instead be shooting for Reema Kagti’s film opposite Aamir, reports Hindustan Times.
No, she’s not miffed with Saif, in fact she's just sticking to her professional commitments, reports Mumbai Mirror. The actress had allotted her dates in April, May and June to Reema Kagti's film and would not be shooting for Agent Vinod unless she completes her schedule.
A source told Mumbai Mirror, ‘Kareena has allotted her dates in April, May and June to Reema Kagti’s film, with Aamir Khan and Rani Mukherji. Despite the fact that Agent Vinod has been delayed many times over for various reasons and now is in its last stage of production.’
The source further added, “Most of the shooting is over. But there are still songs and sequences that require VFX. And yes, a schedule with Kareena is pending. But she’s busy with another film. So, we’ll just have to wait.”
Even the director of Agent Vinod Sriram has no problems in waiting for Kareena. ‘She was committed to the other film from some time. But that’s okay. Saif and I will be busy with other scenes until she becomes free. I also have a couple of visual-effects scenes to put into place.’
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