Last year marked a high point for model-actress Sarika who successfully established a niche for herself in the media. She chalked up the highest number of TV Commercials (TVC) which won viewers' hearts. She also won accolades with her performance in TV plays like Chayanika Chowdhury's “Tomar Kachhe Phera”, Animesh Aich's “Commissioner”, Akram Khan's “Odrishsho Romoni” and Himel Ashraf's “Premer Naam Bedona”.
However, Sarika handled her growing popularity deftly, as she carefully handpicked her works, ensuring that the audience kept wanting more of her. The year started with her widely applauded performance in the TVC for a Pran product. She kept the hype alive with the Keya Lemon Beauty Soap ad. Many fans stayed glued to their TV sets just to get a glimpse of her in the ad. Another fine addition to Sarika's repertoire was Banglalink's 'Shunte Ki Pao' ad.
Rumours surrounding Sarika's debut on the silver screen were widely publicised by newspapers in mid-2010. Referring to the buzz in the media, Sarika says she doesn't want to be a movie actress at the moment, adding that family concerns are keeping her from joining the film industry. However the dream of becoming a supermodel lives on, Sarika asserts.
At the end of last year, Sarika's appearance in a 'Banglalink Desh' ad also reminded everyone that she is here to stay. In 2010 alone, Sarika had done 10 ads for Banglalink.
She also picked up the role of Rumali -- the protagonist in the TV adaptation of Humayun Ahmed's novel (with the same title). Sarika termed the opportunity as a turning point, adding that she is thrilled to portray a role written by Humayun Ahmed. On her plans for 2011, Sarika says she has mapped out what she wants, but everyone would have to wait for them to be revealed. However she gave a peek, saying that her wish is to act in some good TV plays, so her name is cemented in the hearts of the audience.
News Source: The Daily Star