Morshedul Islam film - Amar Bondu Rashed

Amar Bondu Rashed, the long anticipated Bangla feature film of Morshedul Islam, will be hitting the theatres across the country on 1 April.

An adaptation of a literary work by Dr Muhammed Zafar Iqbal with the same title, Amar Bondu Rashed brings the protagonist of the popular novel ‘Rashed’ to life, who, although in his teens, takes up arms in hand and joins the Liberation War in 1971.

Humaira Himu, Arman Parvez Murad, Pijush Bandyopadhyay, Gazi Rakayet and Wahida Mallick Jolly play the central characters in the film which has been jointly produced by Impress Telefilm Ltd and Monon Chalachitra.

News Source:  The Daily Sun
